Friday, April 24, 2020

Out of the Abyss. By Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

Why do I welcome the abyss every day?

It is my mission to live in darkness
with a heart ripped open
for the dark matter to enter?
I have the tiniest heart
and eyes that are going blind.
I do not have the strength to go on
much longer. My eyes are tired.
The dark matter has filled
every space inside of me.
There is a tunnel and no light
that enters. The exit is blocked.
The load is heavy.
The strongest mule could not
carry it or get itself out of the abyss.

There is no saving this
body that is wrecked and
battered. The dark matter
has taken charge and
the end is near. By tomorrow
the abyss will swallow me whole.

I am counting on hope to break through
this darkness, to pull the welcome mat
from under its feet, to be the train of
light speeding through the darkened
tunnel. I am counting on hope to lead me
out of the abyss into the light.

Luis was born in Mexico, lives in California, and works in the mental health 
field in Los Angeles, CA. His poems have appeared in Ariel Chart, Beatnik Cowboy,
Dope Fiend Daily, Unlikely Stories, and Zygote In My Coffee.

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