
Friday, June 5, 2020

Strange Trip By Wayne Russell

Something has a stranglehold on me,
the world is a ball of yarn spinning in
decomposition, lava lamp eyes rolling
waves, she is pulling something and I
cannot breathe, I can not see, it's dark.

Love held the flame and burned the
house down! Can you hear a dandelion
chain, gnashing of teeth, wooden shoes
clacking heels? It's cold here in her arms.

Death brandished a sharp razor-like
reaper, her eyes plummeted cascade,
liquid steel euphoria. One by one there
they go into premature graves, engulfed
by the flatness of fatherless earth. 

Can you see the kaleidoscope birds flying
backwards into their leafless trees? Can
you see lost years escape cold, from your
tar pit druid escapades?

The liquid gods drove me into this state
of madness, but I broke free and escaped,
Floridian son, drowning as one, this life is
a strange venture, a florescent trip.

Wayne Russell hails from Florida in the US, but has never settled anywhere. He has been writing dark musings most of his life, his debut poetry book Where Angels Fear is now available Amazon.

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