
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

SNAPSHOT. By Brian Rihlmann

It all feels useless

and at these times
I want to make 
grand proclamations 
about how I’m done 
with writing and words
I’m done swimming 
in the shallow end 
I’m done with this 
endless circle jerk
with this pale photocopy of life
with society’s treadmill
with women 
with love

I’m gonna break up
with this bitch
and start over
crack open my cataracts 
and see the real thing
for once

feel myself 
melt away
into the bigger picture 
become more than
a self aware
self obsessed pixel
on a screen

I know better
than to say such things 
but saying them is 
a last defense
a frantic grab
at the wheel
a rickety bridge
built halfway 
across the abyss

Brian Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno, NV. He writes mostly semi autobiographical, confessional free verse, much of it on the so-called "grittier" side.  Folk poetry...for folks. He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Poppy Road Review, and has an upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.